28 Days to…
Purchasing this products includes live webinars, bonus courses and creation resources
Many law-of-attraction teachings just don't work!
Many laws of attraction teachings and courses just don’t work! Why? Because they are missing a hidden variable and a depth of inner communion and expansion that does the heavy lifting in creation. This is not a law of attraction course, it is a Wholality® course that in a nutshell:
Accelerates our ability to manifest
Harmonizes the bodies nervous system for creation
Deepens our connection to a source behind life
Turns up our intuitive sensitivity
Creates abundance in your work and family life
Turn a heartfelt desire into a 'real life' result
Aligns us in with coincidence and synchronicity
It’s not about ‘what you want’ but the love in your heart
It’s not about what you have but what you do with it
It’s not about ‘you’ but what flows through you
What students say about the program
"It has freed me from self judgment and I finally see how as spiritual beings we are creator-beings."
Rudi & Jules have created an extraordinary life, by truly embracing the infinite creative potential that we all are. They lead by example…with Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Humor!!
Claire Holland, Coach
"LOA or manifesting used to be hard and often didn’t work, now with Wholality®, creation is happening through me naturally and effortlessly"
Kevin Tang, Coach
"I used to 'do' the LOA. Now with Wholality® and realizing my 'wholeness' creation is something I already 'am' not what I 'do'."
Renee Taintor, Healer and coach
Listen to Fawns experience of this training on her business life
Here's What You Will Receive
DAILY Videos. PLUS bonus resources
Daily resources of HOW to manifest abundance into your life for 28 days. PLUS until the 14th October $500 worth of creation aids, including 3x live webinars, how to reduce stress and anxiety breath work course, FB group and a bunch of written content and guides.
Embodied Learning System
This course uses a ‘whole’ system to spark insights and get deep embodiment with videos, audios, metaphors, graphics, contemplations, meditations, personal interactions and a community. Everything you need to take a theory into a lived embodiment to create a wildly beautiful life. It’s not just a course but an ‘experience.’
Become PART of an like-minded ‘creation’ group to share insights, connect and support one another
View on any device on or off-line!
- Download the app and view on the move, or just watch on your home desktop computer
- Watch the videos and listen to the audios without being on-line!
- Listen to the audios with your phone screen off
- Access to an in-app community of others on this specific course (no need for FaceBook!)
- Chart your progress with day to day wellbeing and check ins and see your peace of mind increase over the 28 days.
- Your personal access to peace of mind in your pocket and wherever you go- even with out any internet connection

About 28 days to... the Secret to Manifesting Abundance
In a nutshell, it allows you to:
Increase your material and spiritual abundance
Turn an inner dream into an external reality
Deepen and inner communion and intuitive sensitivity
Create abundance in your work/family/material life
An expansion of one’s consciousness
Firstly, It’s not a course, it’s an ‘experience’.
Most on-line courses are either videos or audios with people talking AT you about something.
This course is talking to the space WITHIN you to ignite all-that-you-are. We do this via using a cutting edge learning experience with:
Insight Based videos
‘Going within’ practices
This multimedia experience has shown to help the attendees EMBODY that which they are learning for sustainable and long term results, way after the course is completed.
Also the actual material (Wholality) is completely unique, never taught before understanding of our whole nature of being and how leveraging all-that-we-are is a game changer in conscious creation (manifesting in the world).
We know many of us do not have a lot of time, and can’t commit to taking the whole weekend off from work or family life. So we devised an ‘experiential’ course that anyone, anywhere in the world can access, for just 10-15 minutes a day even off-line!
For 28 days, we take you step by step in understanding how creation works, showing you how to create then getting the results in real life.
We spent a long time testing this course on different groups and getting an app capable of completely immersing people into the embodiment of creation which allows you to”
Watch the videos with no internet connection
Listen to audios with the phone screen off
Track and see their stress levels reduce over time
Track and see their wellbeing and time in nature expand
Engage in immerse audios while in nature or at home
Personally connect with a community of others on the same course
Experience powerful contemplations
Learn step by step meditations (more presence of being)
Learn how to ignite their heart coherence (open-heartedness and compassion)
These are the outcomes we have had from previous attendees of this course
Huge increase in taking a dream into a practical reality
Huge increase in ones connection to a source bigger than themselves
Getting real life results turning an internal resonance into a ‘thing’ in the world
Deeper communion with their intuitive nature
An expansion of consciousness
Increase in income and life satisfaction
- If you want to just watch a few videos and do not want to engage in any of the meditation, contemplations or activities, this course is not for you
- People who don’t like their lives, but are unwilling to do anything to change their lives
- People who are unwilling to honestly and authentically look within themselves and their lives
However, If you are 1) ready to actively engage in the full activities, 2) can honestly look within yourself, and 3) are open to learning something new, then this course is for you! If you are unable to fulfill all 3 please do not buy this course, at least at this time.
Are you ready to manifest GENUINE abundance in every area of your life? Are you ready to stop being a slave to what you don't want and start living what wants to be created through you?

Tony Coleman
Master Practitioner and certified Trainer of NLP and Hypnotherapy

“Wholality’s ‘Conscious Creation’ has released the most powerful results in my life! I am now living in a property that previously would have only been a wild dream. In business, prospective clients seem to just ‘find me’. I have a richer, more enjoyable, social life, my relationship with myself and my potential to create, is miraculous. I am not aware of any other course that works on such a profoundly deep level. It is truly life changing!"
Before I took this course my approach to creating my desired outcomes was pretty like most others. I learned a bunch of techniques and processes and put in a lot of work and effort. Sometimes they worked, but most often they didn’t and I would suffer self-doubt, anxiety, worry, and overthinking, which always ended in some form of self-judgment.
What I discovered in this course was truly transformational and life-changing. I realized my ‘wholeness’. Since I began living from this realization, I have had the most powerful results occur in my life. I am now living in a property that previously would have only been a wild dream that could never happen to me. In business, prospective clients seem to just ‘find me’. In day-to-day life, when I’m in need of advice, or something needs repairing, the right person just comes into my life, sometimes in mere minutes. I have a more enjoyable, richer, social life than I ever had previously. Most importantly, my relationship with myself and my understanding of my potential to create is miraculous.
I am not aware of any other course that works on such a profoundly deep level. It is truly, life-changing. Rudi and Jules are remarkable teachers. They show up from a state of understanding and care, full of deep love. They give everything that’s required to guide people to realize their own unique, magnificent, potential. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in living a deeper, richer, life. I am honored to be part of this community.
Day by day schedule
Lesson 1 - 7
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 |
How to get maximum benefit | The space before creation | The nature of 'us' | The science of creation | Empowering creation | Our entangled nature | How we create |
Lesson 8 - 14
Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 |
Evidence of creation | Let your light out! | Polarities and gratitude | The heart of creation | Where are you focused? | Appreciation and the heart's power | Accessing wisdom within |
Lesson 15 - 21
Day 15 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 | Day 20 | Day 21 |
Creation happens 24/7! | Becoming the vibration | Becoming the cause | Re-Cap on how to create | 1st stage of creation: The 'What | Deeper into 'what' to create | All day contemplation |
Lesson 22 - 28
Day 22 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 | Day 28 |
2nd stage of creation: The 'Now' | contemplation on presence | 3rd stage of creation: The 'Sync' | Keeping the inspiration | Overview of all 3 stages of creation | Miracle of heart-felt creation | The secret of creation |

Who Are We?
We are a married couple, authors and entrepreneurs. Jules had a near death experience and came back with a full recollection of everything she experienced on the ‘other side’ in essence the non-physical laws that govern physical reality and the human experience. Rudi originally trained in many modalities including Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Psychology then qualified and trained others in Mindfulness Meditation, Reiki, Chi Gong, the Three Principles and Non-Duality.
Together we are authors, international speakers, and run an accredited training academy based out of Hawaii. We have both had direct experiences of states of consciousness you could define as ‘oneness’ or ‘altered states’ and we bring this expanded perspective to the trainings, while keeping it grounded and complimented by science based studies.
Trainer Credentials
- We have spoken on TV, radio, appeared in magazines and our resources have reached 1 million people
- We have physically spoken to over 40 different populations from prison inmates and school children to executives and disaster survivors
- Jules had a near death experience and came back with a full recollection of whats on the other side!

Julian Mann
Author, Coach, and Speaker

"This is not a technique to further the shallow worship of material objects that will not in themselves bring joy. This is a new perspective and understanding of life that allows us to naturally co-create with the divine as a precious expression of the divine and as such live to our fullest potential. I've never experienced anything so powerful in my life! It has dissolved self-judgments and allowed me to create what I have needed to into my life.
I had been familiar with LOA principles for many years but always stumbled on what to create. Phrases such as ‘You can create whatever you want’ never quite felt right, after all, what did I want? The lack of understanding leads inevitably to trying to think big, I want billions of dollars, a fleet of sports cars, luxury beachfront mansions around the world, and so on.
Wholality is quite different, it acknowledges that each one of us is a unique expression of a greater whole and so we are guided to ask what that greater whole wants to create through each of us as unique expressions of it. Just by asking this simple question ‘What wants to be created through me?’ to the greater part of us, the universe or God we allow that great power to co-create with us and in doing so we create a life that is truly authentic and in deep alignment with our very soul.
In doing the meditations, and surrendering to the wholeness, I was amazed at what came through. Certain elements of my life needed to change in order for my authentic life to emerge and these elements became very clear and undeniable. Following the Wholality teachings I was able to create exactly what I needed to make these changes. Even though such changes can be uncomfortable, they are more than worth making and once you get a grounding in this revolutionary understanding you will find your judgments of your own experiences dissolve and so you are able to turn towards the whole of your experience, be it positive or negative and embrace the gift that always lies within it.
4 Reasons Why This Course Is A 'No Brainer!'
This understanding is completely unique. It is NOT the three principles, non-duality or psychology, and is based on fundamental universal laws or powers.
The training uses simple-to-use, cutting-edge technology so you can watch and listen offline, while you are walking or on the train, allowing you to connect with a like-minded community and a gently guided day-to-day step-by-step journey within.
It’s ‘insight based’ via using contemplations, animations, and meditations. A previous student said ‘it’s less of a ‘course’ and more of a meditative experience!’ another explained it as ‘allowing a direct experience of that innermost essence within you.’
If you have tried other programs that didn’t work before, you have not tried this one! A completely unique understanding and uniquely immersive, and experiential technology augmenting deep insights into our wholeness of being.
Become A Super Creator Being!
28 Days To: The Secret To Manifest Abundance’ is a re-introduction to that space within you, that is before you, but also creates through you. It calms the mind chatter and helps re-introduce you to that creative power within that may have just got innocently covered over. Through a deeper communion like a dam bursting this creative power bursts through into your physical life, re-organizing it in sink with your innermost heart’s desire. This power and presence is before time, space and matter but creates within time, space and matter a life of abundance, a life unique to you, a life that is your innermost heart’s desire manifest into physical reality

Liz Gallagher
Award-winning Author, Teacher, and Coach.

“Little by little my heart's desire for a new authentic life started happening- traveling, time off work, a new relationship, creative writing; it all just happened via an understanding of the wholeness Conscious Creation!’
During the training, we did some exercises and deep contemplations around what enlivens us, brings us joy, and peace inspires us to be our authentic selves and expands and adds depth to our life. Then we drew a picture of our visions for our future selves based on those questions. It was done in an atmosphere of fun and delight and not with any intense sense of ‘lacking’ all that we desired, but a real sense of ‘trust’ and ‘playfulness’
Shortly afterward, little by little, different things in my drawing began happening, and are still happening to this day! From being able to take time off work to experimenting with other ways to earn a living, from spending time living in an Irish cottage to starting a new relationship and becoming immersed in walking beaches and attending music sessions in Ireland, and other things in between, involving a road trip across Spain, Portugal, and Ireland and spending 8 months living with my mum, to doing photography and getting back to writing again…all of the things in the drawing began unfolding right down to climbing Mount Errigal, in Donegal, something I never thought I’d have the courage to do!
It is empowering to realize that we can ‘consciously create.’ Even on minor levels of consciously creating, for instance, the other day I thought about how I’d love a friend to get in touch and felt into the joy of having that person get in touch after months of not having any contact, the person phoned me a few hours later.
Also, the idea of being able to commune with our inner wisdom, the Universe, God, Consciousness…whatever we want to call it, in order to get answers, is incredible. I do it a lot now when looking for the answer to something. I ask for synchronicities, signs, and hunches and they always come.
What you get:
- Life time access to this course and community
- Access to an inn-app community of others on this course, share insights, connect and develop together
- View on any device even off-line, watch and learn on a train or while in nature
- Day by day insight based videos, uncovering deeper and deeper insights into your powers to consciously create
- Healing Meditations
- Track your progress with an in app progress monitor
- A certificate of completion
Are you ready to journey into the heart of the universe,
the universe within you?
Yes. Once enrolled it is SUPER user friendly, no tech skills needed. Just press play to listen to the audio or watch the videos!
Please select how you wish to enroll above (pay in one go or in installments)
Once paid, you will get an auto email with a link to the product. Please click this link and sign up (if you are not already a member) then you will be asked to ‘confirm order’ once confirmed, you will be taken to the product in the ‘Learn’ section of the App.
No! You are welcome to watch the training without downloading the app on your home laptop or desktop computer. However if you use a mobile phone or tablet we definitely recommend downloading the app (which the system will ask you to do when you buy a course), as this will release the full benefit of the program while on the move
This course is ‘drip fed’ so a new day will be released every 24 hrs. It will take 28 days to access all 28 days! After which you can access all the training days whenever you wish.
We have created the course like this to allow valuable time for contemplations, to practice the meditations and digest the insight based videos. Through trial and error we have found this more conducive and release BIGGER results with people than releasing all the resources in one go.
On the app, at the bottom is a ‘Community’ symbol, please select this and go to the ‘Abundance’ Community.’ Here you can introduce yourself, write and respond to posts, add photos/videos and message the other members.
Yes! Select the ‘Pay In Installments’ option, and pay over a number of months. Your payment will be automatically cancelled once the course is paid in full.