2024 Facilitator Training

Become a ‘Wholality®’ Coach in 6 Months!

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2024 Training Interest Form (#8)

Please register your interest to get the times, dates and more information

The Accredited and Certified Wholality® Facilitator training has changed!

Our certification program is now a 2 stage process.
Stage 1: Attendees must first complete the 4-month Embodiment Experience.
Learn more HERE.

Stage 2: Upon completion of the Embodiment Experience, attendees have the opportunity to upgrade their status to earn full Wholality® certification and attend the 2-month Facilitator Training.

Accreditation is granted when both stages have been completed.

Eight unique things about this training

Our students answer three of the most commonly asked questions via these 60 second RESULTS clips

What will this training do for me personally?

To be successful in business and get deep impact with clients you first have to EMBODY the change you wish to coach/facilitate within others.

How will this training help my business?

To earn money and become a ‘successful’ coach/facilitator you need: 1)  the technical skills, 2) the confidence to be ‘seen’ and 3) an inner resonance of limitless possibilities.

What is Wholality?

For yourself and your clients to deeply embody inner freedom and all dimensions of abundance you have to ignite your ‘wholeness of being’ in every area of your life.

There are many coaching/facilitating programs out there and in each one something is missing.

well ...as the name implies

Wholality® is this program

How the mind or psychology works
How to ignite a deep inner spiritual awareness
How to unite mind/body/spirit as one
How to earn a living as a coach
How to work with clients and groups

A Wholality® facilitator sees the “whole” of their clients, the “whole” of life and the “whole” nature of ALL that we are.

Business Help

We are constantly amazed that people often pay a lot of money too do a coach/facilitator training program and are given NO HELP whatsoever in how they can earn a living through what they have studied, nor the technical skills necessary to run a lucrative business!

We help all of our students:
• We create a booking and Ecommerce site for you!
• We give you business mentoring
• We teach you how to run a business
• We provide over $2000 worth of business resources

Wholality® not only helps you embody that which you share with your clients, but also practical experience doing one-to-ones, presenting to groups, AND how to actually earn a living!

Some of the results our previous students have got with their businesses

“Since I completed my training my business has transformed in ways I could not have
imagined! It gave me the skills and confidence to actually earn a full time living from
being a coach and working with parents and children”
Marie Arymar: Author, Coach and Blogger

“By implementing the business skills I learnt on the training I am getting clients,
work and visibility. I have now got the confidence to write a book, I am presenting
to big groups of people, and getting work from publishing my podcasts.”
Isabelle Author, Speaker & Coach

‘Within a year of the training I co-created a program that touched 1400 children, and recorded a video program for the public broadcast channel, all the business mentoring and help has taken my offering to the work to a whole new level’
Debbi Milam: Author and International Speaker

“Within a year of finishing the training I saw an uplift in my income, and I attracted more clients. The practical business support & knowledge in this training has now helped me earn a living from something I love doing!”
Lindsay Elliot: Energy Healer and Coach


“This training has allowed me to hugely expand the results I now get with my clients, a way to articulate and help the ‘whole’ of my clients mind, body, spirit. It has helped not just my clients but me personally embody a whole new level of compassion peace of mind and connection with the spiritual nature of life.”


The training has allowed me to massively reduce judgment and self- criticism, expand my yoga and coaching business and finally answered the ‘big’ questions, like ‘why are we here’ and ‘what is my purpose’ to me it is literally the answer to oneness.


“I went from crippling anxiety and self-loathing, not even wanting to be here any more, to true and unconditional inner peace and self-love. It has completely transformed my life and now my work as a coach and therapist, where before I hoped I could help my clients now I know I can. because I ‘see’ them as a whole being and this is transforming my business and my clients lives.”

Renee Taintor, Healer and Coach

“So many times I have just been blown away to see things in wholeness rather than pieces, and how that directly impacted my second to second living. It has given me peace and comfort beyond understanding. It’s so profound that words do not adequately express the fullness of this course!”

Julian Mann,
Author, Coach and Speaker

“The unconditional freedom I have uncovered through Wholality has changed everything for me, I now see all experience as just ‘what is’ without judgment, and it has allowed me to be fully authentic with the things I needed to change in my life. The training opens a doorway to a life unburdened by judgment, a true beautiful unconditional freedom.”

Talk to us and get the full program information

To talk with us about this training and download the course outline please fill out the ‘Get Program Info’ at the top of this page.

Want to hear what others have said about the training?

View the video testimonials below and/or download this PDF that has dozens of previous facilitator/coach student testimonials.

Research into the results of this training

This accredited and certified coach/facilitator training does not just train the mind, it is an expansion of consciousness that frees the mind! It allows deep embodiment of inner silence and energetic expansion, but also the skills to facilitate that to others and the business development to make a living from giving.

Statistics taken from a before and 6 months after course survey

Down 63%

From 6/10
Down to 2/10

Down 71%

From 7/10
Down to 2/10

Self Love
Up 148%

From 3/10
Up to 8/10

Confidence to
Coach Up 350%

From 2/10
Up to /10

Azra Simotttei,
Speaker, Coach and Corrections Facilitator

“I have done many trainings, Three Principles, Joe Dispensa, Non-Duality, you name it I have done it! However, I have never done a training that has given me such a profound level of self-love, and self-acceptance and to love myself just the way I am. It took away the guilt and the shame and opened up a place inside of me that was one with the divine, and an ‘ok-ness’ within my human experience.”

Fawn Miller,
Life, Fun, Purpose Coach

“This course was extraordinarily life altering, and created HUGE results with my life and for how i now work with my clients. It allowed me to tap into an inner thrive mode, to consciously commune with a power within. I kid you not, within six months of the training, every single thing I wanted for my business and life has happened, every single thing!”

Tony Coleman,
NLP and Hypnotherapist

“I am now able to take my clients to a much deeper, and more profound level of transformation. This has been so successful that I get all my work from referrals now. This training released me from so much fear and utterly changed my life, I don’t know any program that goes this deep and is so profound, but also so practical at the same time!”

Enrique Roman,
Clinical Psychotherapist

“I used to have to see clients over years, now I can help them within weeks! They get more peaceful and realize they have everything they need within. I used to be anxious but now I have peaceful confidence because this course has given me, not just an idea, but an experience that I am one with the universe and I am ok, just as I am.”

Michelle Sternbuch,

“I used to be terribly anxious and judgmental and had a really hard time in life. After Wholality® I am no longer fighting my way through my own mind. Life is simpler, I have more peace, and I have stopped overthinking everything! I have been shaken to my core, this has opened up infinity for me, opened doorways that I didn’t know where there, open hope and a ‘bigness’ behind life with the gift of being alive.” 

Ira Kokova,

“Most of my life I struggled. I wasn’t happy where I was and always judged life. I tried countless things but nothing worked until I started Wholality®. I embraced life’s inevitable ups and downs rather than fighting them. Where the ‘oneness’ was a nice belief, now I experience it within myself as a deep ‘knowing’. I started to experience life without the heaviness. For the first time I was free, at peace, and able to help others, it was such a gift.”

Want to learn more?

To get the full course details and/or talk to us please register at the top of this page.

About Innate Evolution

Our company is registered with the CPD an independent accreditation institution that shows that our course has been scrutinized to ensure integrity and quality and achieved professional standards and benchmarks.

Based in Hawaii, Innate Evolution is our accredited training company that has been certifying coaches and facilitators for over 15 years.

We have helped 10’000s of others uncover more peace of mind and resilience through our public trainings, retreats, and free resources. We work closely with universities, charities, government organizations, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

We have had the honor of working internationally with over 40 different populations from disaster survivors, and prison inmates, to school children, and groups in substance abuse recovery.

We have also enjoyed appearing on Radio, TV, in magazines, and in other media outlets that go out to a wide population.

Wholality Training
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