This page showcases a selection of testimonials and endorsements from our 15 years of worldwide trainings.
Below are results from a before and after study of our Wholality® Embodiment Experience
Down 63%
From 6/10
Down to 2/10
Down 71%
From 7/10
Down to 2/10
Self Love
Up 148%
From 3/10
Up to 8/10
Confidence to
Coach Up 350%
From 2/10
Up to /10
Wholality® Facilitator Training
To me this is the key to life that unlocks your own and your clients potential, not just the mind, but that deep, expansive oneness behind life- totally and deeply life-changing!
Tony Coleman
Master Trainer of NLP &Hypnotherapy
Country: UK
Natures Mind (Igniting Your Intuitive Superpowers)
Rudi and Jules are trailblazers! What they are doing is nothing short of miraculous!
Michael Fall
Possibility, Potential, and Purpose, Solution Focused Coach
Country: Canada
Wholality® Facilitator Training
I have never had the results I have had with my clients since doing this training! Through me they are getting quicker, deeper and more life-long transformations.
Alys Daly
Therapist, Coach & Speaker
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
FULL INTERVIEW: How it helped me drop self-criticism of myself and others, deepened my spirituality and transformed my work life.
Hannah Schwabe
Yoga teacher, speaker and coach
Country: Germany
Wholality® Facilitator and Trauma Training
700% increase in self-love.
I used to live in my head, this course has allowed me to live from my heart and deeply ‘feel’ life and experience joy.
Hilda Rhodes
Entrepreneur & Business Coach
Country: Australia
One to ones with Jules
I have been shaken to my core, this has opened up infinity for me, opened doorways i didnʼt know where there, open hope, opened a ʻbignessʼ behind the gift of being alive
Michelle Sternbuch
Mother and home maker
Country: Austria
Wholality® Facilitator Training
FULL INTERVIEW: How this has helped my spirituality blossom, my business transform, and the work I now do with my clients creating deep profound changes for them!
Fawn Miller
Transformational coach
Country: Mexico
Wholality® Facilitator Training
This course has allowed me to drop self-judgment and self-critissim, transformed my business, and evolved my clients! It helps every area of your life.
Donna Draper
Homeopath, Therapist & Coach
Country: UK
Wholality® Embodiment Experience
Wholality unified science and spirituality into one whole, simple and accessible understanding, and also helped me articulate this to others
Susan Hills
Coach and Entrepreneur
Country: UK
Facilitator Training
I have been on some of the most expensive coach trainings in the world- Wholality is worlds apart! I feel so
complete, and the feeling of ‘what course is next’ has completely vanished. I’m just excited to go out and live this adventure called life
Sarah Swanson
Transformational Coach and Entrepreneur
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator &Trauma Training
FULL INTERVIEW: How I dropped issues, traumas and blocks and found genuine inner freedom, self-love and fulfillment, a peace beyond understanding
Renee Taintor
Healer and coach
Country: USA
Mentoring With Rudi
There are no words to say how much this helped me! It has turned my darkest times into beautiful dreams.
Lydia Lapinski
Graphic Artist
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
Stress down 400% and self-love up 900%.
I suffered from uncontrollable emotions, insecurity and self-loathing. Now I have self-love, and a much easier life!
Heidi Wodehouse
Nurse Practitioner
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator and Trauma Training
Doing this training will help your clients, through you, they see their own wholeness, self-love, self-acceptance and an unshakable wholeness.
Kari Siwe Haugen
Holistic Therapist and Yoga Teacher
Country: Norway
Wholality® Facilitator & Trauma Training
This course unified understandings like the Three Principles and Non Duality to one whole explanation and gave me what I needed to create a website and get clients
Essi Herman
Country: USA
Master Wholality® Facilitator Training
After so may other trainings Wholality was the missing piece that finally allowed me to heal and find balance in my life
Anita Wiggins
Writer and coach
Country: USA
Igniting Your Intuitive Superpowers
I gained such deep understanding of what I have been experiencing after the loss of my son, this has profoundly helped me.
Lee Bradford
Country: UK
Facilitator Training
This embraces the ‘whole’ human experience, allowing an acceptance of all the ups and downs and the spiritual nature of life itself. So helpful to us and our clients!
Marte Skappel
Clairvoyant & Coach
Country: Norway
Wholality® Master Facilitator Training
I love Eckhart Tolle, Pema Chodron, Joe Dispenza…combined, their teachings contain parts of
Wholality, but not the ʻwholeʼ of it! Wholality does this
Liz Gallagher
Award Winning Author, Coach & Teacher
Country: Spain
Natures Mind (Igniting your Intuitive Superpower)
This unified the teachings I previously studied and deepened my understanding of all of them!
Dominic Scaffidi
Master Certified Coach and Business Coach
Country: Canada
Wholality® Master Facilitator Training
FULL INTERVIEW: How it has opened up a space of deep inner love, connection with the divine, and spiritual expansion for myself and now my clients.
Azra Simonetti
Corrections officer. coach and speaker
Country: USA
Mentoring With Rudi
30 years of anxiety gone!
Alan Smith
NLP Master Trainer & Coach
Country: Brazil
Embodiment Experience
This course brought down years of old belief systems, this new sense of freedom is beyond words that I can express!
Claire Christopher
Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Coach
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
FULL INTERVIEW: How the training has helped me uncover resilience and an unconditional inner freedom within difficult life circumstances.
Julian Mann
Author & Coach
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator & Trauma Training
This course has helped me find my inner strength, I have felt deeply supported and it unified/tied-together
everything I have ever studied!
Verena Debnar
Coach, & Animal Communicator
Country: Germany
Facilitator Training
What I notice is the effortless nature of how lifelong patterns of limiting beliefs can drop away
Debbie Milam
Author, speaker and facilitator
Country: USA
Realizing Potential Conference
I loved every moment of this conference! It has surpassed my expectations!
Morten Hake
Entrepreneur & Business Coach
Country: Norway
Mentoring With Jules
After life-long trauma I finally feel love for myself, I feel worthy and this is trickling down to my son and every area of my life.”
Heidi Wodehouse
Nurse Practitioner
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
I have been searching all my life to find the meaning of life, to answer those big questions. Wholality has not only answered those questions, but to me is the answer to
Hannah Schwabe
Yoga teacher, speaker and coach
Country: Germany
Natures Mind (Igniting your Intuitive Superpower)
This course is the only program where I’ve found the answer to all my questions!
Paul Del Sol
Air Host & Coach
Country: Spain
Facilitator Training
Like in my Native culture, ‘Wholality’ directly relates to all of life being interconnected, and encourages, supports and guides us in our own unique spiritual evolution.
Karen Evanoff
Nondaltons Tribal Member & Social Anthropologist
Country: Alaska
Immersion Retreats
The impact that this training has had through all areas of life has been immeasurable
Tess Christy
Teacher & Coach
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator & Trauma Training
It is important in life to feel part of everything, to be free, to have peace, to be open to whats going
on, I got all of this from Wholality
Ira Kokova
Model & Actress
Country: Bulgaria
Facilitator Auditing
What I love the most about the training is they always encourage us to look inside, connect with our love and inner wisdom, believe in ourselves and find our own voice.
Nuyen Huyen Thi Thanh
Country: Cambodia
Wholality® Facilitator Training
I kid you not, within 6 months everything I envisaged for my business happened, every single thing, all thanks to the understanding of Wholality®
Fawn Miller
Life, Fun & Purpose Coach
Country: Mexico
Natures Mind (Igniting Your Intuitive Superpowers)
I now have confirmation of who I truly am, and the limitless powers at my disposal
Trevor Drake
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
A HUGE decrease in stress and now I feel an inner wholeness that always stays with me
Kevin Tang
Country: UK
Facilitator Training
This is one of the best things I have chosen to do and I am forever grateful!
Kari Skatun
Artist & Coach
Country: Norway
Wholality® Facilitator Training
It’s the most professionally presented course I have ever done on facilitating others
Michele Kon
Country: Australia
Wholality® Master Facilitator Training
Wholality dissolves criticism and judgment and gives you a genuine heart-felt embodiment of compassion for yourselves and others.
Donna Draper
Homeopath, Therapist & Coach
Country: UK
Wholality® Facilitator Training
This training removed so much fear, it was literally the key to life for me. This is the kind of training that our world needs at this time in order to change where we seem to be heading and begin to heal on a global scale.
Tony Coleman
Master Practitioner & Trainer of NLP & Hypnotherapy
Country: Portugal
Facilitator Training
Being a clinical Psychotherapist I previously used to have to see clients for years and years. However, now, after Wholality (wholeness within), I often only need to see them for a few weeks!
Enrique Roman
Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist
Country: USA
Business Marketing From The Heart
It is a great course for those either starting from scratch, or who are not seeing business results- This shows you how to move your business forward and get results!
Lindsay Elliot
Healer, Coach and Speaker
Country: UK
Facilitator Training
I have for maybe the first time seen myself as a whole human being.This insight has brought me a deep sense of peace and contentment in life
Alison Parsons
Licensed Clinical Psychotherapist
Country: USA
Wholality® Facilitator Training
Wholality points you back ‘home’ to that space before thought / beliefs / concepts, to an ever present ‘knowing.ʼ It
has blown my heart open and i have dropped self- judgment of myself and others
Elaine McKenzie
Youth Worker & Coach
Country: UK
Facilitator Training
This has allowed me to work confidently with groups, it has calmed my mind, removed inner blocks and expanded every area of my life!
Angela Flynn McEvitt
Speaker and coach
Country: Ireland
Wholality® Facilitator Training
I used to have a busy mind, stress and anxiety, now much more peace of mind. This course is deep, below and before thinking to the spiritual nature of things.
Ursula Ouwerkerk
Country: Sweden
Facilitator Training
It fills in the gaps that other teachings miss, it’s so simple but adds a WHOLE new dimension to life and has long lasting impact!
Anthony Donataccio
Coach and Entrepreneur
Country: Portugal
Embodiment Experience
The training is like a gateway to reality. It helped me to see how mindfulness, the three principles, non duality, the law of attraction and how me and you and the world, are all part of the Whole.”
Jacquie Moses
Coach, Practitioner, Facilitator and Speaker
Country: UK
Embodiment Experience
This training is like bathing in the full experience of being alive! After being on so many other trainings this was the natural next step for me.
Fiona Jacobs
Certified Master Transformative Coach & speaker
Country: UK
Facilitator Auditing
This has changed how I perceive the world, myself, my life, and my clients in the most beautiful way and exceeded my expectations!
Graciela Corrales Arias
Nutritionist, Trainer & Coach
Country: UK