How To Navigate Trauma And Help Maui Heal

This video does three things:
1) explains how the body responds to stress, great challenges, and change, and how to move through it
2) It offers help to the survivors in Lahaina, Maui who have suffered great loss, and how the Hawaiians (and other cultures) have everything they need to navigate these times embedded within their culture.
3) And a platform to bring awareness to the world of how they can help Maui Heal by offering support through ‘Help Maui Rise.’ This and other links are found in the Link Tree below.

The viewer may be interested in either part 1 or part 2. To get the maximum benefit, please watch the entire video as Dr. Porges’s explanation of ‘Neuroception’ and how the body responds to stress is a precursor to getting the most out of the second part. (Time Codes Below)

We wanted to thank Dr Stephen Porges for volunteering his time and his heartfelt intention to try to do anything he can to help people suffering in Lahaina, Maui.

Link Tree Below:

00:00 Intro and why we created this video
05:50 Stephen Porges Intro
07:35 Is experience thought created?
13:30 What are the key tenets of the ‘PolyVagal’ theory?
17:42 The limitations of cognitive understandings
22:10 The body and physical illnesses
28:39 The ‘bottom-up’ nature of experience
30:27 What is Neuroception?
36:25 Hawaiian cultural healing practices
44:12 Lahaina’s devastation and grief
48:35 Connection: The gift that heals
52:20 An Oli from Dr. Kalehua Krug
52:57 The science of the Māori Haka and Hawaiian Hula
55:50 How to look attractive!
57:38 Stephen’s message to the helpers in Maui
1:02:39 How to help Maui
1:05:40 Find out more about Stephen

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