June 22nd & 23rd

2 days / 3 hrs each day

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Pay What You Can by donation

Beyond the surface waves of your happiness, achievements, or desires, is a deeper ever-present space that is already whole, complete, and full of love. This weekend event re-introduces you to yourself.

Attend live and your name will be entered into our enrolment draw for the next Wholality Embodiment Training. One person will receive free entry, a $3,000 value!

What is Wholeness?

There is a rapidly growing ‘wholeness’ movement that is broadening our understanding of human perception and potential, to embrace the complete spectrum of what it is to be human and feel safe, loved and complete.

The movement isn’t so much about transcendence or happiness, although worthy causes they are fleeting and transitory, instead wholeness it is about cultivating a ‘completeness’ within, and embracing the entirety of being human including the inevitable ups and downs as being natural and normal.

If you genuinely accepted ALL of you - what would this do to your self-judgment?
If you truly loved ALL of you - what would this do for your self-love?
If you saw that as humans, like nature, we naturally ebb and flow - how much kinder would you be to yourself?

Wholeness is having compassion for ourselves, others and the world. It encourages self-reflection, breath, and meditative directions that help uncover self awareness and love. It encourages you to cherish your exquisite uniqueness, to uncover that we are creator-beings living in an entangled world of synchronicity and meaning.

This weekend event (pay what you can afford) will be an invitation to jump out of your normal routine, take a breath, relax and lovingly reacquaint yourself with your spiritual essence, your uniqueness, and the dreams you’ve covered over. A life-pause to kindly let go of stress and exhaustion, to nurture and reassess who you are, where you are going and what you want to create in this lifetime.

“This is the kind of training that our world needs to heal on a global scale, to me it is literally the key to life, it is so utterly simple and released me from so much fear.”

Tony coleman
Master Practitioner and Trainer

Weekend Modules

This weekend will be an invitation to bring wholeness to your major life dimensions, including relationships, mental health, career/finances and your life direction.

Authentic Relationships

Bring wholeness to your relationship with yourself and others. In this module we look at how to navigate gritty or difficult relationships, have more genuine and fulfilling relationships, and expand your relationship with nature and the world.

Inner Wholeness

Bring wholeness to yourself to feel a genuine sense of inner ‘completeness’, self-love and uncover a deeper connectedness to the energy of life itself. Here you will bring together your spiritual and personal into one unification.

Peaceful Productivity

Having children, jobs, mortgages and too many things to do and not enough time can be tiring! Can we be productive, highly creative, get things done, and be peaceful at the same time? Yes! This module unpacks being peacefully productive.

Self Care

Whatever you go through in life will always be easier if you have the energy and mental and emotional resources to navigate it. This module unfolds how to cultivate life's unexpected and inevitable challenges with greater ease.

Expanding Intuition

If you are an empath; highly sensitive to the feelings/energies of people and nature. This module shares how to create a beautiful life following your heart-based desires and leverage your sensitivity without over-giving.

“I feel this training has allowed me to ‘jump’ huge regions of consciousness, from fear and holding onto past resentments, to lovingly letting it all go and being fully present now. This has been profoundly life-changing in every single area of my life.”

Renne Taintor
Healer and Coach


We are authors, originators of ‘Wholality®,’ and a married couple who have worked worldwide helping others become more fulfilled in their lives and expand their consciousness. Our resources have reached an estimated 1 million people.

Jules had a Near Death Experience (NDE), where she experienced the places we go after physical death, then came back to life with a full recollection of what’s on the ‘other side.’ this led to a complete life change and extreme psychic experiences.

As a child, Rudi saw non-physical beings, and at twenty, he had a profound oneness experience that led to becoming a healer, coach, teaching intuitive development, and doing years of voluntary work worldwide with the aim of alleviating human suffering.

Trainer Credentials

What does it cost to attend?

This is a Pay What You Can (PWYC) donation event. We do not want cost to prohibit your ability to attend. Please donate based on your financial circumstances and attend this six-hour two day online event. Register and donate below to receive an automatic email with your entry details.

PLUS your name will be entered into our FREE entry give-away draw, a $3,000 value, to attend the next Wholality Embodiment Training scheduled to begin June 27th.

click the image to view our new results section below

Important Details

Dates & Times

Sat. June 22nd & Sun. June 23rd

U.K.: 5:00 PM- 8.00 PM
EST: 12:00 PM- 3.00 PM
PST: 9:00 AM- 12.00 PM
HST: 6.00 AM- 9.00 PM

What if I can't attend?

This event will be recorded, however only those who register below will get the recording.
Benefits to attend live:
Entered into FREE give-away entry draw for one person ($3K value!).
There will be a live Q&A throughout the weekend.
Attend live if you can!

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