About Rudi

Rudi has worked with dozens of different populations, from Nepali earthquake survivors, prison inmates, to school children.
His free video resources have touched well over a million people.
What can our one to one help with?
In the thirty years of being in the human potential field, I have had the honor of working with over 3,000 people individually.
I have helped people recover and resolve all manner of issues, from phobias, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, relationship issues, and navigating loss to dissolving those habitual patterns of behavior that may be causing issues in areas of their lives (and often will continue to unless communed with).
Also, having had many direct experiences of ‘oneness,’ I also experientially help others feel more ‘whole,’ meaning an embodied connection to something bigger than themselves, an expansion of consciousness, an open-heartedness and
directly help them become a powerful creator-being—an utter unity of the physical and spiritual as one- with no by-passing.
If you would like to work with me the investment is $195 per session or five sessions for $895.
Please book with me HERE
What Others Have Experienced