3 ways to get more coaching clients and have a deeper impact when you do

This is a recording of a free live webinar revealing how to get more clients for your coaching/therapy business and how to get deeper results with them. This looks into the ‘wholeness’ of leveraging ‘in the form’ practical skills alongside the ‘formless’ laws of the universe as one.

Links from the webinar:

Join our Wholality FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/400057907308696

Join the live webinars: https://innateevolution.com/free-stuff/

The Wholality® facilitator Training: https://innateevolution.com/facilitator-training/

Working with the body: https://innateevolution.com/how-to-coach-help-others-from-their-wholeness-of-being/

Why trauma is not just a thought: https://innateevolution.com/trauma-through-the-eyes-of-wholality/

Dr. Porges interview on the ‘polyvagal’ theory and helping Maui heal: https://innateevolution.com/how-to-navigate-trauma-and-help-maui-heal/

Marching metronomes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8

#polyvagaltheory #wholality #human #wholeness

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Wholality Embodiment Experience

Where people lovingly dissolve
inner hurts, unify any understanding
or modality previously learned,
and expand their consciousness
and abundance in every area
of their lives.

Includes attendance on an immersion
retreat in Hawaii!

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