How trauma can be stored in our body and how to heal

girl in rain coat looking up

This recording of a live webinar looks into trauma and answers questions like: ‘How can trauma be stored in the body?’ and how, although the traumatic event has passed, our bodies and nervous systems response can very presently arise in the moment. It explains the ‘bottom-up’ or ‘Polyvagal’ approach to trauma and how cognitive-centric approaches, need to go deeper to help integrate trauma with loving awareness truly.

The links mentioned in this video are: Intro to Understanding and releasing trauma: HERE

Join the free webinars: HERE

Interview with Dr Stephen Porges: HERE

Wholality Embodiment Experience: HERE

Wholality Embodiment Experience

Where people lovingly dissolve
inner hurts, unify any understanding
or modality previously learned,
and expand their consciousness
and abundance in every area
of their lives.

Includes attendance on an immersion
retreat in Hawaii!